Business Manager Visa Requirements in Japan

Business Manager Visa Requirements in Japan

Either if you are trying to create your own business in Japan – Or if you are going to manage the existing business in Japan; you need to have a business manager visa in Japan.

Depending upon the situation, business manager visa requirements in Japan might be somehow different.

Business Manager Visa Requirements in Japan

Case 1: If you are trying to create your own business

  1. Register a Company in Japan — If you are applying for Business Manager Visa from overseas, starting from 2018, Japan launches a one-year startup visa program. Under this program, you can move to Japan and complete the company registration process.

If you are currently in Japan, you can register your own company under any visa. You can find the company registration process if you are currently in Japan on the link given below.

  1. Need to Have Physical Office — It is essential to secure an office to run a business in Japan. Shared offices, virtual offices with a physical address, or home address will not work.

However, to use the home address as an office address, you need to have special authorization. It is a little more complicated to have the authorization to use a home address as an office address.

Most of the time, Immigration Officer asks for photographs of your offices to ensure that your documentation is valid. So, you should have the photos of your office.

  1. Company’s Capita and Employee — You must show the investment of an amount of 5,00,000 yen as your company’s capital. And you need to have two full-time employees too.

It can be your savings, loans, or investors for the capital money, and for the employee, they could be either Japanese nationals or foreign nationals with a permanent resident.

Case 2: If you are going to manage the existing business in Japan

  1. You should have three years of experience in the field of business management or operation.
  1. Your salary for the job should be the same as Japanese nationals for the same category of employment.

Additional Information For Business Manager Visa in Japan

Business manager visa requirements in Japan are the same for those trying to adjust their visa status in Japan or apply for a business manager visa from overseas.

If you are currently in Japan, it is crucial to understand the visa adjustment procedure in Japan to business manager visas. You can find the information about the visa adjustment procedure in the link given below.

If you are applying for a business manager visa from overseas, we encouraged you to read the guide for obtaining Business Manager Visa in Japan. You can find the entire guidelines for obtaining Business Manager Visa in the link given below.


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