If you obtain a business manager visa in Japan, you can start your own business or manage the existing business in Japan.
This article is applicable for two groups of people:
- If you are currently in Japan and trying to get a business manager visa, or
- If you are foreign nationals who do not currently have a Japanese visa but trying to get a business manager visa from overseas
For those applying for a business visa from overseas, you will get a 1-year startup visa. After arriving in Japan, you have to complete the below-mentioned process.
But, if you are currently in Japan, you can start your process right away from starting from step no 1.
Process to Obtain a Business Manager Visa in Japan
Step 1: Understanding the Preliminary Documents
If you are trying to start your own business
- You need to register a company in Japan
- You need to have a physical office in Japan
If you are going to manage the existing business in Japan
- You should have three years of experience in the field of business management or operation.
- Your salary for the job should be the same as Japanese nationals for the same category of job.
Step 2: Assembling the Further Required Documents
After you decide under which proposed activities you seek the business manager visa in Japan, your next step is to assemble further supporting documents.
- Business Plan — This should cover your business types, how you will market your goods or service, and further business strategies along with the business operation, management, and financial activities.
- Company Registration Copies (Tokibo Tohon) — You can find the complete guide for the company registration process and how you can obtain copies in the link given below. Find Here — How to Register a Company and Get Copies of Registration
- Statement of Profit and Loss — It should be in Japanese and prepared by a Japanese professional accountant.
- Document to Proof Number of Full Time Employees and Payroll Information— Keep in mind that you need to have at least two full-time employees. Employees can be either Japanese nationals or foreign nationals with permanent residence.
Payroll documentation should include the basic salary, withholding tax, and deduction for social insurance and labor insurance.
- Photographs of Your Office
- Document certifying your capital of investment
- Document certifying your role in the company as well as your job duration and salary information
- If you are trying to an existing business in Japan, you need to have documents certifying your previous carrier and a graduation certificate indicating a major in management or administration.
Step 3: Application for Certificate of Eligibility (COE)
A certificate of eligibility is a document that Japanese Immigration Authorities issue. It is the means to certify that you can handle the specific job category in Japan.
The application for COE should be submitted to the nearest regional immigration office in Japan.
Usually, you will get the approval of COE for a business manager visa within four to six weeks. As soon as your COE is approved, you will receive a notice that your COE is ready to pick up from the regional immigration office.
Step 4: Receiving the Resident Card of Business Manager Status
Once your COE gets approved, you need to change your status to the business manager or investor visa, and you will receive your new status of residence card.
To change your status, you must complete specific procedures explained in the link given below.
This completes the procedure to obtain a business manager visa in Japan.
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