Important Tips to Find Full Time Jobs After Graduation in Japan

Find Full Time Jobs After Garduation in Japan

For most foreign nationals studying in Japan, the most recurring unanswered question near graduation time is, “How to find full-time jobs after graduation in Japan?”

Well, for some, it is not that difficult to find full-time jobs after graduation in Japan; if you already have a systematic plan.

If you do not have any mind set up until graduation, it might give you a tough time finding a full-time job related to your field of study.

Some past statics give a little bit long breath since the records show that the number of international students who find full-time jobs after graduation in Japan is significantly increasing.

According to the Ministry of Justice data, only 5,878 students find full-time jobs after their graduation in 2005. This number peaks at 15,657, which is more than double at the end of 2015.

However, it is still more competitive to find the right job in your field as soon as graduation. So, as we already mention that you should have an early plan to avoid future obstacles.

Tips To Find Full Time Jobs After Graduation in Japan

Tips 1: Visa Status Change

Foremost: you should understand that– foreign nationals who want to work full time after graduation, you need to change your resident status to one that allows full-time work in Japan. This can be a Specialist in the Humanities/International Services or Engineer or any resident status, allowing you to work full time.

Tips 2: Understanding the Schedule of Recruitment

Another essential aspect that you should consider to find full-time jobs after graduation in Japan is understanding the schedule for significant recruitment season.

As we have seen the latest trend, the company information sessions for college students will start in March.

From March to June, Company briefings seminars were conducted.

Finally, interview and testing periods will be from June to September, and the company eventually recruits in the following April.

For example, if you are in the 3rd year of your course in 2018, you will graduate in 2019. So, you have to attend the information session in March of 2018, and if everything goes on well, your recruitment will be completed in April 2019.

Tips 3: Information Collection Methodologies for Right Job

3a. Using the School’s Careers Department

The Careers Department of your associated school is the primary step to start the job hunting process for the students in Japan. A person in the information desk of the Career department has years of experience who can guide as per your situation to proceed in the right way. So, do not hesitate to visit the School’s career department.

3b. Utilizing Employment Information Magazine

The government as well as Japan Student Services Organization usually publish Employment opportunity for international students. So proper utilization of these resources will help you to find the right job on time. The official website link for the Japan Student Services Organization is given below. It is a vital resource to find the right job and other various information that you might face in this duration.

3c. Utilizing the Employment Service Center for Foreigners

Various service centers support you to find a full-time job after graduation in Japan. Some vital employment service centers are:

3d. Proper Utilization of Internet

These days almost all Japanese companies posted their job vacancy on the internet. So, you should properly utilize these tools.

3e. Always Participate in Joint Briefings and Seminars

Participation in joint briefings and seminars will let you understand and explore various information regarding the companies and vacancies they are offering. So, it is always the best idea to participate in those programs.

These complete the tips to find a full-time job after graduation in Japan.

Besides these, it is always better to make a good network with your friends in Japan. Especially. If you made a warm relationship with your scenarios in school, that would also help you to find a job after graduation.

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