If you are looking for tax-free items you can take in Nepal, you are in the right place.
Here you will find recently updated information about the list of tax-free items or duty-free items in Tribhuvan International Airport, Nepal.
Nepal government, Finance Ministry, and Customs Department have updated the rules and regulations for tax-free items or duty-free goods early this year in TIA, Nepal.
This new rule is implemented in January 2024.
List of Tax-Free items in Tribhuvan International Airport
Gold jewelry of up to 50 grams is considered a tax-free item. However, Gold biscuits or raw gold are not allowed to carry via TIA.
Silver jewelers up to 500 grams. Raw Silver is not allowed.
One bottle of alcohol or up to 1 liter of alcohol.
If you work or live abroad for more than 12 months, you can take one television of any brand television up to 32 inches.
Note: If you take a television more than 32 inches, you are charged Nrs. 550 per inch. (For Example, if you take a 50-inch television, you are supposed to pay Nrs. 50*550.
Used Clothes
You can carry your used clothes as much as you like.
One set of bedding is not taxed by customs at TIA.
Used Households
Used household items are not applicable for tax.
You can carry your prescribed medicine.
Diamonds and Stoned Gold Silver Jewelry
Up to 1 lakh value.
Tablet or Laptop
One Set
One Set
One Set
Video Camera
One Set
Mobile Phone
One Set
Pen Drive
One Set
One Set
One Set
Official goods of a bureaucratic person
Food Items
Up to 7 Kg
Items for Which You Have to Pay 40% Tax
You have to pay Tax for one TV above 32 inches.
Music System
One Set
One Set
Washing Machine
One Set
Radio Set
One Set
Cosmetics and Clothes
15 Sets
Mixer, Juicer, Sewing Machine, Gas Burner, Iron, Rice Cooker, etc.
Each of 2 Sets
Food Items
Up to 10 Kg
General Household Items
Up to a maximum of two sets
200 Pcs
50 Pcs
Final Thoughts
These are the general list of taxed and tax-free items you can carry while traveling to Nepal from overseas. If you find this information helpful, please share it with your friends and family.