Check Your EPS TOPIK Result

eps topik result

Wondering! how you can check your EPS TOPIK result? Well, we are going to show you here the official and only way that you can check your TOPIK result. is the official website where you can find your EPS TOPIK result. For your simplicity, we have integrated the official TOPIK result website here on this page.

Information Required to Check TOPIK Result

You need to have the following information to check your TOPIK result.

  1. Test Date – This is the EPS TOPIK round on which you take the examination.
  2. Application Number – It will be the registration number of your TOPIK exam.
  3. Date of Birth

If all this information handy with you, you can check your TOPIK result right now!

Step by Step Process to Check Your EPS TOPIK Result

Please follow the guide below to check your TOPIK result.

  1. Select the test round from the drop-down menu.
  2. Enter your application number.
  3. Enter your date of birth

2021 Result Announcement Dates

TOPIK Result Announcement Dates
Exam Result Announcement Date
74th TOPIK 8th March
75th TOPIK
(April 2021)
20th May
76th TOPIK
(May 2021)
30th June
77th TOPIK
(July 2021)
19th August
78th TOPIK
(October 2021)
25th November
78th TOPIK
(November 2021)
23rd December


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